What are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are cells found in all multi cellular organisms. They are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types. In other words, stem cells are cells that can travel from different parts of the body to organs or tissue that have been damaged.
What are the different types of stem cells?
When the stem cells come from your own blood or bone marrow, it is called an autologous transplant. When the stem cells come from another person, it is called an allogeneic transplant. The donor may be a relative or a complete stranger. The important thing is that the donor’s immune system markers are closely matched to yours. This is most likely when the donor is your brother or sister.
How are stem cells currently be
used to treat medical conditions?
There are now treatments to repair damaged organs and tissues and to produce growth factors and other substances necessary in the development of the body. Stem cells may create skin for burn patients or grafts and repair damaged tissues in patients with brain damage, spinal chord damage, and
other conditions. The most widespread use of such cells is in cases of some
types of leukemia and lymphomas, but stem cells have also been used to
treat heart disease, nervous system issues, diabetes, arthritis and more.
What is its origin?
The source of stem cells found in the first layers that form after an egg has
been fertilized (zygote), the zygote divides into 2 cells in these in 4 then 8, 16,32, etc.. until it became 3 layers, the outer ectoderm, from which it will derive the skin and nervous tissue, the mesoderm or middle layer, from which is derived muscles including the heart and blood vessels, bones, cartilage and ligaments of the body and the inner layer the endoderm, from which originated the abdominal organs and intestines. The tissue forms retain some of these stem cells for maintenance and repair used although an adult body. Stem cells from these layers have the characteristic of being pluripotent, which means they have the ability to become other cells and tissues.
What is its significance today?
As processing capacity in other types of tissue stem cells can be used for medical treatments to repair damaged organs and tissues and to produce growth factors and other substances necessary in the development of the body. In this way with stem cells may create skin for burn patients or grafts, to repair damaged tissues such as brain damage and spinal cord, pancreas, heart and so on.
Where did you get stem cells?
There are 2 types of sources of stem cells: embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells obtained from human embryos 8 weeks of gestation. On grounds,ethical, moral and religious use of such stem cells is prohibited in almost everyone. Adult stem cells, are concentrated in umbilical cord blood of newborns and in some tissues of the human body, such as blood, fat, skin and bone marrow in the latter there is a larger pool and gives the formation of new cells Adult stem.
In what cases are used stem cells?
Umbilical cord blood of newborns can be stored in specialized banks (whether public or private) that have special tanks that keep cryopreservación frozen at temperatures below 150 degrees C, this is done to preserve them for long periods of time without losing its characteristics prior to freezing. Of these umbilical cords obtained Ceulen mother that can be cultured to increase their numbers and used by the child or the person that was obtained, but can also be used by others that are compatible to prevent rejection reactions. It is noteworthy that in each process by passing the cells are lost in numbers and quality of them, since the administration of them can hurt and the cells are adhering to the walls of the instruments used, so that process quality is important to prevent cells lose viability and get healthy. The most widespread use of such cells is in cases of some types of leukemias and lymphomas, but have also been used in cases of heart diseases, nervous system, diabetes mellitus, arthritis and more. Stem cells obtained from bone marrow can be used for similar purposes, with the advantage of their collection on multiple occasions at different ages of the person as needed.
What are the risks of using stem cells?
In the case of non-autologous (from the same person, the donor is the same as the receiver), the main risks are, the tissue rejection by the immune system, allergic reactions due to incompatibility, antibody formation with stem cells and the possibility of transmitting diseases (viral or protein).
How do I manage treatment with stem cells?
Stem cells are administered intravenously like a blood transfusion, and in some cases can be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Must be administered by physicians trained and experienced in handling these types of therapies, some of which must be performed in operating rooms and remain isolated in a special care unit.
What we do in Progencell?
In Progencell take stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow for use as treatment in various diseases, ie use the technique of autologous stem cell treatment. The progencell special is that we use in most cases complete bone marrow. It is obtained by puncture, mixed in a closed system with a special solution that is prepared in advance to physical stimulation of stem cells and the patient can apply a lot of fresh cells, live, active, with as little handling as possible . The intention with immediate application, avoiding
the handling, freezing, and storage is not mistreat these cells in obtaining the properties of stem cells without damage, aging and high viability. Another advantage of using whole bone marrow is that it contains growth factors that are not only useful but necessary for growth and transformation of stem cells. Remove items from the bone like red blood cells, serum and platelets is not strictly necessary, when used intravenously. These elements will be selected by the body and eliminated as the need for it.
Is it better to use cells from a donor?
In patients suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, the damage is in the organs and processes that affect these organs. This damage may be impaired microcirculation, changes in pH, accumulation of free radicals, oxidative stress, cell death, cellular microenvironment, electrolyte distur-bances, production, transportation and disposal of various items, such as
hormones, proteins, enzymes , carbohydrates, lipids, etc.. In some cases the production of stem cells may be altered, but the stem cells are not altered in their function, ie, these cells always made processes of regeneration and re-pair damaged organs and tissues as it is the natural form of healing body.Stem cells from a person is completely healthy and has no limitation for autologous use (for the same person). There is no evidence to show that application of autologous stem cells perpetuate the disease. If this were real, the risk of using stem cells obtained from tissues of other people would be much greater, given that under this reason it would be transmitted to the recipient cells with all the features of the other person including his latent disease. Stem cell treatments safer, no doubt, are autologous treatments, such as those used in Progencell. So far, over 650 applications have not had any complications with any patient. All patients had a benefit with results ranging from complete cure to a slight improvement. The different responses in patients are because each has a different status, different habits, different production of stem cells and growth factors. However, we found that the factors influencing the results, are: the quality of the bone marrow, the patient’s general condition and his lifestyle, age, chronicity and severity of the disease.
Where does Progencell cells?
The sources of obtaining bone marrow aspiration is performed on the inside of a bone needle will reach the iliac crest (hip) or tibia (leg). The procedure is performed in adults with local anesthesia and is well tolerated by patients, few patients have reported slight discomfort at the site of aspiration for a few days after the procedure.
How Progencell cells infused?
In all cases intravenous application is made and in some cases we perform a local application, for example thyroid, spinal subdural retrobulbar, to go directly to the tissue repair is required. In the case of osteoarthritic knees is only performed intraarticular application, the intravenous application is not made in these cases not be necessary.
What is the future Progencell therapies?
Progencell is in the process of development of other therapies, including erectile dysfunction, alopecia (baldness), treatments for children and others. If the results that we remain positive and are favorable conditions could be expected availability of these therapies in late 2010.
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