Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Doctors of Stem Cells Therapy

By Brian Blackbum
Nov 25, 2010 12:58 PM • Topic: Health • Issue: 2010-11

Stem cell therapy is a very ‘hot topic’ these days with many issues, the July 2010 issue
of Frontier Doctors magazine contains a very informative article about this controversial
medical science. As background ... ProgenCell extracts stem cells directly from a patient’s bone marrow and subjects them to several processes before being transplanted back into that same patient to improve their health. The patient’s medical condition creates the appropriate immune environment in the body, resulting in a personalized therapy. Many years of research
and experience have resulted in substantial improvements in the health of patients battling various diseases, even when other treatments have failed.
ProgenCell offers patients with certain degenerative diseases an opportunity to improve their
health through cellular therapy, correcting adverse medical conditions at the source by regenerating the tissues and organs causing the ailments. Because the stem cells are from the
same patient, this therapy has no risk of tissue rejection and minimal secondary effects.
Ailments for which stem cell therapy has proven effective include arthritis, chronic fatigue,
diabetes, cardiology, optic nerve atrophy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s among others. Needless to say, these are very serious medical conditions to people of all ages.Frontier Doctors had the opportunity to ask a few questions to two of these dedicated doctors... Dr. Luis Romero and Dr. Jorge Gaviño.
FD: Tell us about yourself... where you grew up, parents, family, your early years as a child.
Dr. Romero: I was born and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico. I come from a middle class
family with eight siblings, five sisters and three brothers; I am the sixth of the family.
My father was a civil engineer, my mother a housewife...of course with 9 kids, she was very
busy all the time! I did all my studies in Guadalajara including medical school, after that I went to Mexico City, where I made a specialty. From there,I came to Tijuana where I have worked as orthopedist/ spine surgeon in private practice since 1987.
Dr. Gaviño: I was born and raised in Mazatlan Sinaloa; my life is as common as many other
people, I have six siblings in total. My childhood days were not very significant, playing all the time as all children should.
FD: While you growing up, what did you want to be: fireman, teacher, fisherman, doctor, dancer, football player, singer?
Dr. Romero: I always wanted to be a doctor,since very young my dream was to play professional football, which did not happened because my parents would not let me. But I always wanted to be a doctor, since I can remember.Dr. Gaviño: I always believe that I was going to be what I am, a doctor.
FD: What subjects did you enjoy in school:writing, science, mathematics, recess?
Dr. Romero: I enjoyed science, especially biology and anything related to the human body,
those subjects always caught my attention.
FD: What about math, recess?
Recess of course! I didn’t dislike mathematics,however what most caught my attention were
nature sciences.Dr. Gaviño: Well, I always enjoyed recess, what I didn ́t like was social sciences; I liked everything about the technical sciences.
FD: Who were your heroes while growing up?
Dr. Romero: well ... my father, some athletes, several who were easy to identify with.
Within the professional area I’ve always admired Albert Einstein and Nicolas Tesla. I
found them great and they have changed the world. Dr. Gaviño: Superman, Batman, as usual.
FD: When did you decide to become
a doctor?
Dr. Romero: I decided at very early age, I never saw myself practicing any other profession, nothing else caught my attention, just being a doctor.Dr. Gaviño: From the earliest years of elementary school. I don ́t remember an accurate date,but since then.
FD: Why do you became a doctor?
Yes, I had an uncle who had polio and when occasionally talking with him in those years, the
idea came into my mind and it never left me since.
FD:Wwhere did you study medicine?
Dr. Romero: in Guadalajara, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara; I completed my studies there.Dr. Gaviño: at the Autonomous University of Baja California in Tijuana, in the faculty of medicine.
FD: When did you decide to study the
science of stem cell therapy?
Dr. Romero: about the year 2000 when I was working with patients with traumatic spinal
cord injury, I started to read about stem cells in journals of scientific research ... the properties of stem cells and applications in the future.There was a need to stimulate the spinal cord so we selected stem cell therapy and began at that time.
Dr. Gaviño: about 10 years ago, we were conducting a study of traumatic spinal cord injuries
and this project research lead us to investigate many treatments, one of which is autologous
stem cell therapy.
FD: Tell us about your personal experiences being involved in such a cutting-edge technology.
Dr. Romero: I have many experiences, because each patient is a unique experience. I have
in my memory some cases where patients had extraordinary & dramatic responses, seemingly miraculous! That encouraged me, seeing patients with such distressing diseases with no apparent hope of any improvement, who have improved their condition through stem cell therapy. And of course when you see such responses, it encourages the medical team to go ahead... of course there are also disappointments but what matters most are the good things, not the bad things.
Dr. Gaviño: I love to see the important benefits that have been achieved in some patients.
And generally, these are patients with few options of therapies or treatments; they have
very complicated diseases so this treatment gives them hope and results, leaving me with
plenty of satisfaction.
FD: What do you see as the future of stem cell
Dr. Romero: I think the future has yet not caught a glimpse of how far this science will get; we are at the beginning, at the tip of the iceberg of stem cell technology.
I believe there will be a twist on the concept of pharmacological treatments because stem cell
therapy is more natural, less harmful and possibly even cheaper than drugs. Stem cells are the source to build more treatments because growth factors will complement and create new therapies using this science.
Dr. Gaviño: We must change the point of view of how medicine will be applied in the future
by using many treatments based on regenerative therapies, instead of offering some control of the disease with medication.
FD: Is there anything else you want to add?
Dr. Romero: I hope that as we learn more about stem cell treatments and more patients have improvements, we will see the benefits of our efforts. We ask for patience and trust from our patients because these are serious matters and the treatments will influence the future.
Dr. Gaviño: To the patients, one of the most important aspects is to always have the best
attitude possible, not only to keep looking for new options or to find better options but also
from the functional point of view. This attitude allows the body to function better so the best
recommendation for patients is a good attitude, do not lose the optimism or the intention
to get well.
Dr. Romero and Dr. Gavino are members of the Medical Committee of ProgenCell (stem cell technologies) to whom we express our gratitude for their dedication and commitment.
Frontier Doctors thanks Dr. Romero and Dr.Gavino for these insights into their personal
and professional lives. I hope this information shows the human nature of the professionals
who look into the future for remedies of some of today’s worst diseases and give a glimpse of what generations to come can look forward to in healthcare.

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