By José Ricardo Dueñas, M.D.

The biological or bio-regulation medicine; is a specialty focused on the restoration of health through self-healing capacity of the organism.
Is considered that diseases are originated by the accumulation of toxins in the body, due to bad nutrition, poor oxygenation and poor waste elimination. The disease is understood as the result of an imbalance of all body systems.
This aimed at seeing the patient in a holistic manner, as a unity of body, mind and spirit, is focused on correcting internal imbalances that trigger the conditions and pain. The Biological Therapies detoxify, balance and strengthen our whole system, do not produce undesirable side effects and can be combined with any conventional treatment. Every individual there is a tendency to health. Biological Medicine does nothing but strengthen the media them-selves at the disposal of the body to cope with the disease.
According to the developmental stage of the disease, is recommended the use of this medication, as unique or complementary treatment.One example is the case of cancer. As a complement this technique improves the quality of life, as it works with medicines that detoxify the body, reduces the side effects making the patients tolerate better the therapies, helping to reduce the burden on your mental and emotional environment.
The Bio Regulation is much more than just a detoxification therapy, is a comprehensive treatment plan to restore health and prevent degenerative tendency of organs and issues.There are three pillars of treatment that makes the most complete therapy of Biological Medicine regulating cell function, organs and system of the individual.
The Basic Three Pillars are:
• Detoxification and Drainage
• Immunomodulation
• Organic Support (cellularstrengthening) which prevents relapse.
The starting point that Biological Medicine utilize is Homotoxicology as to activate the immune system, the first thing to do is detoxify the body of waste coming from multiple sources (pollution, chemical drugs, food preservatives or hormonal substances). In parallel with the elimination of toxins is improved food nutrition preferably organic and healthy, also we used medicine for drainage which with pharmaceutical combination activates the body’s natural mechanisms to eliminate toxins. It improves the functioning of the lymph nodes by favoring the mobilization of toxins throughout the body, and reinforces the functions of the liver and kidneys to facilitate elimination.
The simultaneous activation of these organs is what produces a complete and deep DESINTOXICATION throughout the body. The toxicity occurs when more toxins enter the body that is capable to eliminate, favoring the accumulation of these in the space surrounding the cells called “Extracellular Fluid”. The toxins deposited there block the arrival of nutrients to the cells preventing them from carrying out the biochemical processes necessary to keep the body in optimum health.
When cancerous cells are destroyed for the chemotherapy effect, produce many free toxic substances (free radicals and other waste) that affect the metabolism of other cells in good
condition. The therapeutic biological procedures have the ability to interact at this level, favoring the production of anti-inflammatory substances and achieve a steady state of the immune system. (IMMONOMODULATION).
ORGANIC STTRENGHTENING AND SUPPORT; It is accomplish thanks to the response of the Homotoxicology Medicine that have the ability to act at the cellular level replacing the biochemical elements that the cell needs to work, it counts with different medicines that you will not find in conventional medicine or in homeopathy, all in order to increase the metabolism nutrition and cell oxygenation protecting organs and tissues of degenerative trend.
Every man and his illness need a personalized therapy. So in each patient are identified the organs more damaged and are indicated the medications that are going to strengthen them; the cells must maintain a perfect balance of molecular components such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc... For which we use the application of biological serum, revitalizing the body’s individual response.
The speed of the results is not the only advantage of this medicine. It also shows other benefits, such a dose reduction and diseases. Because it attacks the problem at its root and recovering the immune system activity, people stop getting less sick every time, and needed lower doses of medication, the body begins to defend itself.
When I give a therapy, the body and the immune system respond according to their own needs. The results show an individualized bio regulation of the defense mechanisms,taking into account the degree of deregulation of each organism.
Bio Regulation therapies have been based on the search for the modulation for “homodynamic” to maintain its biological balance.
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