Sunday, November 28, 2010

Healthy Insurance in Mexico, Yes it exists

By Kim Wherley
Nov 25, 2010 5:20 PM • Topic: Innovation • Issue: 2010-11
Dependent on your plans for Mexico,we decided to venture into the giant realm of health care coverage in Mexico. With such a broad range of information to choose from we did our best to come up with a few facts and some information for our readers to tap into regarding health insurance in Mexico. However, please advise we will be diving into this matter to ensure all our readers are directed to the right companies, plans and resources in the future.
We broke it down into three different groups for you, so you can find the one that fits you
1) The Adventurous Traveler For someone who is simply traveling to Mexico on a trip should get a quick health coverage plan. It is important to know that some health care plans in the U.S. will cover some major incidents in Mexico. However, many have a mileage limitation as to how far across the border they will cover. So, it would be a good idea to
call your current health care provider to find out if you are covered for major medical necessities while abroad (in any country, not just Mexico).
f you are simply seeking to come to Mexico for a routine check-up or dental appointment,
you can save yourself the hassle and just pay out of pocket. Many health care companies will
not cover just a general or routine trip to the Doctor’s office. Let’s face it, what is there to
bill? The prices are already more affordable, in some cases, than just a co-pay in the U.S.! For example, routine visits to a general practitioner range from $10 - $35 with NO insurance. Dentists will range in the low numbers as well and in addition, their fees for addition work are still a fraction of the cost in the U.S., plus- there is always room to negotiate! For a specialist, such as an OBGYN, you are looking at about $40 - $75 per visit WITHOUT insurance.
However, as we mentioned before if you want to cover the major stuff, you can contact a number of companies by typing, “Global Health Care”, “Travel Insurance Mexico”, “Mexico
Health Insurance”... you get the point. You will find lists of companies that will cover you, pick the one that best suits you.
2) Latinos of Mexican Origin in California! Since, Mexico and the United States share a border, it does not take a rocket scientist to realize that Latinos of Mexican decent make up
60%-- or more than 20 million -- of the Hispanic population nationwide. Of that, over 50%
of that population reside in California.
SIMNSA, a company based in Tijuana has joined forces with several health care companies,
including Blue Shield, United Health Care, etc.These insurers will allow Mexican nationals
who are legal residents of the United States,U.S. citizens of Mexican ancestry, as well as dual nationals the ability to be covered on both sides of the border. The benefits are that Mexicans can cuts costs and use their favorite family doctor, and employers save on insurance costs.A win- win! If you are of Mexican decent, live and/or work in California- ask you employer about coverage just across the border or contact
SIMNSA to find out how you can be covered.
3) The Expat is Up to Bat! You can get Mexican Social Security?? What??!!
Retiring, relocating or just getting away for a year or two? Mexico will cover you for a very affordable price! The Mexican government, through the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), will provide affordable health insurance for ALL residents of Mexico, regardless of nationality. IMSS insurance is available to all foreigners residing in Mexico, with exclusions or limitations based on pre-existing illness, just like any insurance. It is important to know that the insurance can only be applied for during certain times of the
year: January, July, August, and most of February. At the time of application you pay a
one time lump sum of approximately $250 - $350 per year. Not bad to have coverage, however read on.
Here are some interesting facts about the Mexico and the population in relation to the
Mexican Social Security health insurance we found interesting.
According to sources:
Less than 3% of the population in Mexico possess private health insurance, however 52% of the expenditures are for private medical services.
Because of how affordable health care is,whether a routine visit, surgery or major treatment,
more than 25% of the Mexican population will pay for their medical costs our of pocket.
Don’t fit in any of these categories or want to learn more?
Due to the health care reform, the increased population that will have access to care and the lack of doctors to cover all of these people, will result in: long waiting times, difficulty getting a general check-up and lower quality of care. On the upside everyone will be covered, which is an amazing breakthrough for the citizens in the U.S.! However, this
reform has pushed many U.S. employers and citizens to begin seeking health care abroad--not only for affordability,but for better quality care. With that said, more and more
insurance companies are coming up with aggressive plans that will benefit those that wish to receive care outside of the U.S. We will advise on these companies as they emerge in the coming months and years.
At this time, if you are seeking a trip to Mexico, specifically to the Baja Peninsula for alternative treatments, cosmetic surgery, dental work or anything at all- we have the resources and can help you find your way through our Frontier Doctors Travel Consultants.

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